Over the last year, while there has not been much activity here, I have seen two of my writings published. The first is one-of-many Peach Sheets that was co-authored. The second was my student Note.
Peach Sheet - Seed Capital Fund SB 224 and HB 318
This article details the legislative history of Georgia’s new Seed Capital Fund.
This Note examines the patentability of software-whether software should receive patent protection, and if so under what circumstances-after the Supreme Court’s decision in Prometheus. I focus on the history of the tests and factors used by the Federal Circuit and Supreme Court up until Prometheus and then examine how the courts’ treatment was changed by the analysis in Prometheus. Finally, I propose a new multi-factor test to determine whether software should receive patent protection, and demonstrate its use on a battery of cases from the Supreme Court’s history. However, this Note does not take into account the most recent Supreme Court ruling in the Alice case. At some point, I may analyze the Alice decision in the context of the Note here.
While the GSU Law Review site has not updated for this issue, it is available on Westlaw and presumably LexisNexis.